Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade Your Clock App to Chimed™ - The Superior Multiple Alerts & Timers App
10 - Multiple Timers.
Whether it’s cooking, exercising, gaming, or just keeping track of time for more than one thing, I regularly find myself with a need to have multiple countdown timers, and with Chimed, I can save them, not having to re-set them all the time.
9 - Precision by Seconds.
I like my tea steeped for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. 2 minutes and it’s too weak, 3 minutes and it’s too strong. Set your timer by minutes and even down to seconds.
8 - Custom Sounds.
Sure, it works to be woken up by the standard iPhone beeps and tones, but it’s even better when it’s my daughter’s voice saying, “Get up sleepy head!” It’s also convenient to have reminders that actually remind you exactly what you were supposed to be reminded of, like, “take your meds.” You can record your own custom sounds on Chimed!
7 - Custom Vibration Settings.
Each alert or timer can be configured with a custom number of vibrations. This allows for time events to give feedback by touch which is great in situations where sounds are unwelcome. I use it to mark time when I’m giving a presentation. For example: with 3 minutes to go, a silent alarm vibrates 3 times. With 2 minutes to go it vibrates twice.
6 - Repeating Timers.
Great for interval training, keeping track of time when taking turns, running lab experiments or just generally marking the passing of time. Repeating timers are a powerful addition to your clock app and Chimed puts that option at your fingertips.
5 - A “Classic” Method of measuring the passing of time.
Before we were passing time with our noses in our smartphones, the grandfather clock and it’s hourly chimes melodically marked the time. I remember being a child playing at my grandmother’s house when the clock struck noon and we all new it was time for lunch. Setting hourly chimes is a lovely “vintage” way to get in the rhythm of your day and get passive feedback on time passing.
4 - New Sounds.
Whether you still roll with the default sounds that everyone have, or you went with the cricket chirping and now you hear them everywhere, those old sounds might be a little tired. It’s fun to try something new and there are lots of creative sounds available in Chimed; cats and dogs, cuckoos, harps, you name it!
3 - Don’t get alarmed, get Chimed!
When you set an alarm you don’t always know what you’ll be doing when it goes off. With the old default clock app you have to get on top of it, stopping what you’re engaged in, struggling to turn it off, and then trying to return to your conversation, presentation, etc.. Chimed gives you options for how to be alerted. It’s easy to customize the most appropriate response.
2 - Advanced Alarm response
Are you at risk of missing work, your am workout, or getting stuck in traffic because you turn your alarm off while half asleep? With Chimed, you can set a Follow-Up after your initial alarm (with customized intervals) to make sure you’re getting alerted. It requires you to enter the time to turn off the followup reminders. Think “snooze” on steroids. By requiring you to enter the correct time, Chimed gives you an extra push to make sure you’re up!
1 - Filters
Get organized! When you really start to use Chimed, you’ll likely grow a list of alerts and timers that you’ll come back to again; the same life reminders, like when to pick up the kids from practice, timers for staple dishes you cook regularly, normal alarms and timers in work, fitness, hobbies, etc. With active and filtered lists you can easily organize, save, and access your Chimes for quick use across the many categories you operate within your life!

Your clock app is one of the apps you use most, isn't it time you found something better?
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